lördag 26 juli 2008

So now we're at the Magnet club in Berlin.. and it's sooo warm outside it's sick!
We're all pretty tired today but we're all happy to be here, and we're so looking forward to the show tonight! This place is really sweet, and the the people working here is really friendly(:

Another great thing is that we've met our good and tall friend Martin today! We did a quick stop at his place on our way here to pick him and some drums up. Simon is getting a new drumset, but is going to borrow Martins until he gets them. Martin is a great guy, and he has helped us alot lately, so a big thanks goes out to him!

soon it'a time for us to do our soundcheck(: And we're playing at 01:30 tonight!
It's going to be awsome!

we got another tourblog up just a minute ago at youtube, so check it out guys!

that's all for now, hope to see some of you guys during the tour!

take care /johan

2 kommentarer:

Martina sa...

alltså, åh. jag saknar er!

Ung Vänster sa...

Hehe... sjuka människor. Ska bli kul att följa er galna upptåg... Me like jockes inslag... Ha de, /Erik